Interacting Art | Raumschiff, Linz/AT | 7. – 12.9.2016

interacting art flyer

A play on artworks, works in process and working things out by doing – together.  Through negotiation, juxtaposition, and re-contextualization, various works and non-works will be woven into an interface for the audience, built through interactive, textual and performative processes.

The project is based on a collective process initiated by Sam Bunn, Davide Bevilacqua and Sebastian Six and hosted by Raumschiff the week before the opening of Ars Electronica.

There’s no excuse for our lethargy: since we already possess the ideas, tools and techniques to initiate a change of course. The collaborative display here exhibited turns non-functional works into functional un-works, reaching towards how art might work between artworks. The project uses the medium of interaction in a way that allows the pieces to leave the traditional space of artistic discourse and to occupy instead the space of dialogue.

With Stella Baraklianou, Yen Tzu Chang & Yoh Morishita, Maria Czernohorszky, Isidora Ficovic, Laura Jade Hindes, Mary Maggic, Francesco Nordio, Patrick Schabus, Henning Schulze, Julio Sosa, Federico Tasso.
A project by Davide Bevilacqua, Sam Bunn, and Sebastian Six.

7th Sepember 8 pm + performances from Yen Tzu Chang & Yoh Morishita and Sebastian Six

Thu 9 September – Mon 12 September 2016, 11 AM – 7 PM