
graph sculpture, 2020
adhesive stickers, branches, approx. 6×3,5m

Based on graphical representations of the world-wide gross domestic product from the years 1960 – 2019, this data was transferred into physical space for „Growth“. However, the growth curve just described was turned upside down in the exhibition space, so that the current course from 2019 starts from the floor and the journey visually goes back in time to the 1960s. The respective sections were marked by means of adhesive chains as known from the sales industry.

Growth, exhibition view, Eboran, Salzburg/AT
Growth, exhibition view, Eboran, Salzburg/AT


To commemorate their jubilee anniversary in 2022, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) will focus on the coming 150 years, i.e. they will look ahead to the long term. BOKU’s research into sustainability, resource management and the preservation and protection of the environment and our quality of life forms the starting point for the program series Elementarereignisse.

This artistic concept of the bb15 curatorial team, which will be realised on the occasion of BOKU’s anniversary year on behalf of BIG ART, revolves around the concepts of disruption, blockage and disaster. Three temporary artistic interventions will be implemented on the university campus. These elementary events are intended to create irritations within everyday structures, thereby generating attention around BOKU’s socially relevant research interests.

The opening of the temporary interventions will take place on Monday, 23 May 2022, 13:00 at the BOKU Campus (Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1180 Wien). We will keep you informed about further dates and events under News and on social media!

m Jubiläumsjahr 2022 wird die Universität für Bodenkultur ihren Blick vorrangig auf die kommenden 150 Jahre richten, also nachhaltig vorausschauen. Die Forschung der BOKU in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcenmanagement sowie Erhalt und Schutz unserer Umwelt und Lebensqualität bildet den inhaltlichen Ausgangspunkt für die Programmreihe Elementarereignisse.

Das künstlerische Konzept des Kurator*innenteams bb15, das anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahres der BOKU im Auftrag von BIG ART realisiert wird, kreist dabei um die Begriffe Störung, Blockade und Desaster. Drei temporäre künstlerische Interventionen werden am Gelände der Universität umgesetzt. Diese Elementarereignisse schaffen Irritation im alltäglichen Gefüge und generieren dadurch Aufmerksamkeit für die gesellschaftlich relevanten Forschungsgebiete der BOKU.

Am Montag, 23. Mai 2022 werden die temporären Interventionen eröffnet, über weitere Termine und Events halten wir Sie unter News und auf social media informiert!


Ausstellungseröffnung am Freitag, 20.Mai 2022 18:00 Uhr

Querschnitt der letzten 10 Jahre.
Ausstellung bis 30.6.2022
Eröffnung: Lucas Cuturi, Kunsthistoriker, freier Kurator

Mit Arbeiten von:
Josef Bauer, Katharina Müller, Josef Ramaseder, Nicole Six, Hans Schabus, Jahangir Amin, Manuela Picallo Gil, Daniel Leidenfrost, Pia Mühlbauer, Anja Tchepets, Gernot Fischer-Kontratovich,Silvia Sun, David Lipp, Rusi Klein, Lukas Halder, Roman Pfeffer, Franz Riedl, Thomas Gegner, Jörg Wascher, Petra Kodym, Georg Pinteritsch, Norbert Zuckerstätter, Christopf Holzeis, Ferdinand Götz, Emanuel Ehrartner, Roland Maurmair, Martin Bischof, Judy Mardnelly, Birgit Schweiger, Marianne Lang, Regula Dettwiler, Marco Prenninger, Angelika Offenhauser, Florian Nörl, Laurien Bachmann, Sebastian Six, Christian Flora, Hannes Rohringer, Julia Zöhrer, Sylvia Berndorfer, Leo Mayr, Birgit Bachmann, Gerhard Knogler, Christine und Alois Bauer, Marion Kilianowitsch, Donna E. Price, Gertrude Kiefer



Eboran Galerie Salzburg
9.3. – 25.3.2022

Exhibition opening with sound performance 9.3.2022, at 7 p.m. 
Doris Prlić will speak about the exhibition.

In the multidisciplinary room installation „Langsamdreher“ transforms Sebastian Six the Eboran Gallery with the help of sound, sculpture and video into a seemingly absurd shopping world.
Rotating shelf walls, flickering screens, a dense sound atmosphere, and unique artistic pieces presented as merchandise on sale question our consumption- and production-driven society.

„Langsamdreher“ (slow moving consumer goods) are goods with a low product rotation, so that they represent an increased storage and sales risk and more frequent shelf gaps occur.

Exhibition until 25.3.2022
Galerie Eboran, Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 38, 2. Stock, Salzburg

Irlichs Weh

in collaboration with Mathias Müller
radio-piece, 2020
05:00 min, stereo

Immer schon waren alle Sätze Anagramme. Unaufhörlich brechen sie auf und sind beständig zu neuen Konstellationen fähig. Was wirklich geschah? Im Nachhinein kann das niemand mehr sagen. Drei Menschen sprechen miteinander. Sie bilden aus den Buchstaben immer neue Silben und Wörter. Sie wiederholen sich, aber antworten einander auch, bis sie gemeinsam beginnen zu singen.
Anagramme von Mathias Müller

Sounds und Arrangement von Sebastian Six
Gesprochen von Laurien Bachmann, Sam Bunn und Sebastian Six
TRACK 5 – Ö1 Kurzhörspielwettbewerb: Die TOP 10 der Jury

Ibrida Festival 2021

Ibrida is a festival of intermedial arts which started in 2015 for the purpose of investigating and divulging the most recent productions and research carried on in the field of experimental audiovisual (video art, found footage, metacinema, 2D and 3D animation, etc.). The festival naturally includes performance art and electronic music. Ibrida thrives on the seeds planted by Re/Azione (our first event). In 2016 the duration was extended and more venues in the town of Forlì were added to the first one, the Candle Factory, as the festival was very well received by the audience and the professionals.

Ibrida Festival is curated by Vertov Project. Its artistic directors are Francesca Leoni and Davide Mastrangelo operating with the contribution of Piero Deggiovanni critical awareness.


The Bat Effect

The Bat Effect“ will let you hang upside down from the dancefloor. Natural scientist Rym Nouioua and sound art curator Sascha Brosamer will guide you to scientific studies and environmental issues in artistic contexts. In this episode of a documentary-style podcast about bio-art, bat sounds and experimental music you’ll learn about ultrasonic sounds, bioacoustics and Covid-19 spread from bats. Furthermore you will listen to some tracks made mainly by batsounds, based on a sound library from their current project. Besides the communication of bats by recording the ultrasonic noises and presenting them into sound, we will illustrate the interrelation of human and non-human and create points of contact of human and animal shared living spaces.

music by:

Janine A´Bear
Sascha Brosamer
Chi Him Chik
Taiga Fox
Mark Lando
Rym Nouioua
Jaxson Payne
Sebastian Six

Special Thanks for Bat Painting
Artwork by Philip Emde

Scientific advice:
Rym Nouioua (University of Bremen)
Marlotte Jonker (Dutch Mammal Society | ConFoBi)

Recording and Mastering:
Alexander Domes

003 of Total Silence

All donations of this recordings goes directly to „The Bat Conservation Trust“, a registered British charity dedicated to the conservation of bats and their habitats. 

released July 2, 2021