Dunkelkammer Sessions | Wirtshaus Secrets

Born in Mexico City and living and working in Linz, Austria. Gabriela Gordillo creates participatory and social interfaces, through a trans-disciplinary approach. In her work, sound and listening have the main role as attention to the invisible and the sketch of temporal structures.

Her last project, Dunkelkammer Sessions (2021) in collaboration with the artist and musician Fernando Vigueras, is a transdisciplinary series of telematic encounters between Mexico and Austria, as an exploration of distance and sound as a communication medium.

Curation: Gabriella Gordillo & Fernando Vigueras

Participating performers: Samer Alkurdi, Aura Arreola, Mariana Arteaga, Katia Castañeda, Galia Eibenschutz, Manuel Estrella, Iris Heitzinger, Bernadette Laimbauer, Yoh Morishita, Marta P. Campos, Sebastian Six, Esthel Vogrig

released June 23, 2021


as part of bb15
Installation and Performance in public space, 2021

wood, color, 3x4x2 meters

To commemorate their jubilee anniversary in 2022, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) focused on the coming 150 years, i.e. they look edahead to the long term. BOKU’s research into sustainability, resource management and the preservation and protection of the environment and our quality of life forms the starting point for the program series Elementarereignisse

This artistic concept of the bb15 curatorial team, which was realised on BOKU’s anniversary year on behalf of BIG ART, revolves around the concepts of disruption, blockage and disaster. Three temporary artistic interventions will be implemented on the university campus. These elementary events are intended to create irritations within everyday structures, thereby generating attention around BOKU’s socially relevant research interests.

The Sperrzeit intervention developed by the bb15 team is the connecting element and central theme of their overall concept. It is a mobile sculpture based on the prototype of a so-called Stahlschneebrücke (steel snow barrier) used in avalanche protection. At first glance, this element might seem out of place in urban space. However, whilst being performatively carried through the Türkenschanze Campus, this context provides new meaning to the problem of the fragmented campus and inner-city traffic (the ‘metal avalanche’). These processions cross the streets around the university campus, disrupting the urban space for a moment.


TRACK 5’ – Kurzhörspielwettbewerb: Die TOP 10 der Jury

Immer schon waren alle Sätze Anagramme. Unaufhörlich brechen sie auf und sind beständig zu neuen Konstellationen fähig. Was wirklich geschah? Im Nachhinein kann das niemand mehr sagen. Drei Menschen sprechen miteinander. Sie bilden aus den Buchstaben immer neue Silben und Wörter. Sie wiederholen sich, aber antworten einander auch, bis sie gemeinsam beginnen zu singen.
Anagramme von Mathias Müller
Sounds und Arrangement von Sebastian Six
Gesprochen von Laurien Bachmann, Sam Bunn und Sebastian Six


Directed and cinematography by: Laurien Bachmann
Sound: Sebastian Six
1 Minute, AT 2021

For this year’s festival trailer CROSSING EUROPE could win over the Linz-based visual artist Laurien Bachmann (*1992). In her work she deals with topics such as the perception of public space and rural topographies through the medium of film, photography, and installation. For the most part she presents her observations in the form of still or moving images and in doing so often transcends the boundary of fiction and reality. In 2020 she presented her work PERSISTENT DISTURBANCE (PE/CL/AR/AT 2019) at CROSSING EUROPE EXTRACTS.

Her video work GRÜN IN shows a seemingly undisturbed natural landscape in lush green. At first glance the idyllic nature looks untouched, complete with a steady stream from a waterfall, and yet there is a digital traffic light across from it. In red letters you see it continuously counting down the seconds: Green in 3, 2, 1 … This absurd scene is expanded by a soundscape that consists entirely of digital synthesizers: sounds that could seem natural, booming bass tones, and far away mechanical noises carry the statically filmed scenery, and underline a sense of unease that is created by the unvarying countdown.

The festival trailer 2021, GRÜN IN (AT 2021, 1 minute), will be shown as promotion for the festival on the internet and in selected Austrian art house cinemas, as soon as these are able to re-open once more. (Status: 8 April 2021)


Dunkelkammer Sessions is a virtual improvisation platform that explores the intersubjective relations of a dialogue in the distance articulated from the disciplines of dance, performance and sound art.

The format brings together 2 artists from distant contexts and locations, to realize a performative piece, under the premise of using audio as a sole medium of communication in real time. From the proposed set, sound and invisibility reveal the ‚other‘ out of the echo, voice, silence and non verbal communication, that conform new semantic fields where abstraction, telepathy and intimacy can fit.

SESSION 4 : Manuel Estrella (MX) & Sebastian Six (AT)

Hello, can you listen to your animal?
How can a long-distance sonic relationship work with another person? Is it possible to connect two strangers with their different life situations at the sound level? Trying to react in a very different way on the opposite, the only thing that counts is the instinct to listen.

The proposal of DKS observes the possibilities of language in the context of digital media, from the perspective of artistic practices, in a series of 6 sessions and 12 guest artists.

In collaboration between Mexico and Austria, Samer Alkurdi, Aura Arreola, Mariana Arteaga, Katia Castañeda, Galia Eibenschutz, Manuel Estrella, Iris Heitzinger, Bernadette Laimbauer, Yoh Morishita, Marta P. Campos, Sebastian Six, Esthel Vogrig, participate located in the cities of Mérida, Ciudad de México, Linz and Zaragoza.

Dunkelkammer Sessions is a project from Gabriela Gordillo and Fernando Vigueras, realized with the support of Linz Sounds and Casa del Lago in cooperation with DorfTv,, Primal, Radio FRO and CCD Radio.

1 minute autohypnosis #45

1 minute autohypnosis sex war noise faith white truth light europe death seed red net Jung dollar neo time love-in city twenty new Cage zen self LSD dose Tesla sea place breaking-up father x-ray future loud blood sweat tears hope hero endless Pilar leaving home alone tongue

Was released in March of 2021. You can listen to the sounds by clicking the arrow at left of each one, you also can download them all by clicking HERE. Artwork HERE, and list of artists HERE.

More here:

hungry eyes festival 2021

Das hungry eyes festival, ein Festival an der Schnittstelle von Film, Performance und Installation, wird vom 5. – 7. Februar 2021 im Ausstellungsraum “KiZ” (Kultur im Zentrum) in Gießen, stattfinden.
Gemeinsam mit den Künstler:innen und dem Publikum wollen wir erkunden, wie wir Film abseits vom traditionellen Kinosaal schauen und über Film nachdenken können. 

Unser Interesse liegt dort, wo die Grenzen zwischen den Kunstformen unscharf werden.

Durch die diesjährige Verortung im Ausstellungsraum ergeben sich zusätzlich spezifische Fragen, beispielsweise: 
Worauf wird projiziert? Wie verhalten sich Filme, Installationen und Performances zu einem Ausstellungsraum? Wie verhalten sich die Arbeiten hier zueinander? 
Gerade Film ist ein Medium, das sich immer mehr in die privaten Räume und auf private Endgeräte zurückzieht. Die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit anderen Kunst zu schauen und zu reflektieren ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des hungry eyes festivals.  Es ermöglicht seinen Besucher:innen, sowohl individuelle als auch gemeinschaftliche Seherfahrungen zu machen, sie miteinander zu verbinden und sich selbst als Rezipient:innen wahrzunehmen.