as sixbus
Album Release, 2019
Limited edition of 100 tapes and digital file

The tape austastlücke is a dark noisy journey through sixbus’s lo-fi dreams. Some of the 8 tracks are made for open calls or compilations others are exclusively produced for this release. The music combines pop with drone and modified field recordings.
Written, played and produced by Sebastian Six.
Mastering: Andreas Kurz
More here:
A Recollection of Resonances | bb15, Linz/AT | 7. – 14.12.2018
A Recollection of Resonances
bb15’s 10-Years Anniversary Exhibition
Exhibition Opening
December 7th, 2018, 7pm
Opening Hours
December 10th – 14th, 3 – 6pm
This retrospective exhibition celebrates bb15’s 10 year anniversary and introduces the new space to the public for the first time. bb15 would like to use this occasion to thank all the artists and the public gravitating around its space, for supporting it throughout the years.
The 10 years anniversary encompasses around 40 artists from numerous countries and is a non-thematic, dense and exuberant exhibition. The show creates an associative overview of bb15’s exhibition practice, displaying the diversity of ideas and approaches within its community, giving the opportunity to build unpredictable links between the presented artworks.
Jan Adriaans | Laurien Bachmann | Steve Bates | Marita Bullmann | Pierre Berthet | Sam Bunn | Julian Day | Paul Devens | ekw14,90 | Karin Fisslthaler | Helen Anna Flanagan | Gabriela Gordillo | Jonas Geise | Nicola Genovese | Miriam Hamann | Michael Heindl | Monique Hendrikson | Mascha Illich | FAXEN | Kleft | Annette Knol | Franz Koppelstätter | Andreas Kurz | Yoojin Lee | Andrea Lüth | Rie Nakajima | Doris Prlic | Pio Rahner | Linus Riepler | Kristen Roos | Samuel Schaab | Liddy Scheffknecht | Tim Shaw | Bartholomäus Traubeck | André Tschinder | Julian Turner | Philip Ullrich | Wouter Van der Hallen | Janneke Van der Putten | Fernando Vigueras | Gloria Zein
Grüße, dein Sebastian
scrapbook, newspaper intervention, 2018
4 announces, scrapbook Ed. 25
100 years ago (1918) four of the most important protagonists of Viennese Modernism died: Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Otto Wagner and Koloman Moser. The artist took this opportunity to congratulate the four colleagues on their anniversary by photo.
Photo congratulations are a service of the regional newspaper Tips. You can congratulate your loved ones on any anniversary with a picture and a few words. The design is then created by the editorial staff and then printed in the advertisement section of the newspaper. In addition, a collector’s album with 25 copies was printed to collect and store the congratulations.
[su_accordion][su_spoiler title=“Deutsch“ open=“no“ style=“default“ icon=“plus“ anchor=““ class=““]Vor 100 Jahren (1918) starben vier der wichtigsten Protagonisten der Wiener Moderne: Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Otto Wagner und Koloman Moser. Dies nahm der Künstler zum Anlass um den vier Kollegen so zu ihrem Jubiläum per Fotoglückwunsch zu gratulieren.Fotoglückwünsche sind ein Service der Regionalzeitung Tips. Man kann mit einem Bild und ein paar Worten den geliebten Menschen zu einem beliebigen Jubiläum gratulieren. Das Design wird dann von der Redaktion erstellt und danach im Anzeigenteil der Zeitung abgedruckt.Zusätzlich wurde ein Sammelalbum mit einer 25 Stück Auflage gedruckt um die Glückwünsche zu sammeln und aufzubewahren.[/su_spoiler]
Below20 – Sound museum of Silence | Compilation
I’m happy to announce that a track Tasty Orange which I used as for my Installation „Heimliches Arbeiten beginnt“ is part of the below20dB Project!
Silence can be defined as a soundscape with loudness below 20 dB. This project is an open archive which collect silence as soundscape / field recording below 20 dB. This is an attempt to create a sound museum of silence. Is an open and on-going project, so everyone can contribute with a silence, sending it by email (20decibel[at]
With the sound some information are required, like: place of the recording, time of the recording and of the day when was taken, type of ambient in which the recording was taken, and of course the author. Based on this catalogue of infos, some publication (like digital collection) will be released showing a particular topic.
Residence at Agder Kunstsenter | Kristiansand/NO | 02. – 26.08.2018
I’m happy to announce my residency in Norway:
Welcome to the Artist in residence program in the Municipality of Kristiansand!
The City of Kristiansand offers a residency to professional artists, preferably to fine artists and artisans, who wish to live and work in Kristiansand for a period of time. The aim is to strengthen, promote and develop collaboration and networking between contemporary visual artists in Kristiansand and other national and foreign artists, and to broaden the cultural scene in Kristiansand. Both norwegian and international artists are welcome to apply. The Residency is situated next door to Agder Kunstsenter, in Skippergata 22. Agder Art Centre administrates the residency.
Bregenz Biennale 2018 | Brezenz/AT | Summer 2018
Bregenz Biennale 2018
End of September, Beginning of August
(Bregenz, Austria)
featuring forty-nine site-specific invisible interventions by
Lina Aušra, Francisco Babo, Luan Bajraktari, Samuel Bich, Simone Borghi, Elena Borghi, Godomira Buroskwy, Sophie Chérot, Kevin Desbouis, Damien Dion, Victoria Durnak, Jona Einarson, Stefano Faoro, FAXEN, Romain Gandolphe, Steve Giasson, Akba Gurundi, Token Black Guy, Tim Hartmann, Stefanie Heine, Robert Huber, Florence Jung, Fatmir Mustafa Karlo, Stefan Klein, Marika Konstantinidou, Mikko Kuorinki, Sophie Lingg, Mmmmmegumi, José Oliveira, Will Owen, Alice Pamuk, Philipp Preuss, Anahita Rahzmi, Christopher Richmond, Valentine Ridde, Karl Salzmann, Marco Schröder, Liv Schulman, Driton Selmani, Lena Sieder-Semlitsch, Semino Spataro, Martin Sturm, Andreas Trobollowitsch, Emmanuel Troy, Salvatore Viviano, Robin Waart, Dimitri Waschkov,Noboru Watanabe, Bernhard Weber
Kuratiert von
Albert Allgaier & Sophie Lapalu
Graphic Design
Exhibition Design
gruppe uno wien
Exhibition Guide
published by
Mark Pezinger Verlag
Distribution Partner
Milchpilz Bregenz
Kindly Supported by
Bundeskanzleramt Österreich
Land Vorarlberg Kultur
Verein BregenzBiennale
Neue Schanze 15
6900 Bregenz

Sommerfrische reloaded 2018 | Wohnzimmergalerie, Seewalchen/AT | 14.7. – 9.9.2018
Einladung zur Ausstellungseröffnung am 13. Juli 2018 um 20:00 Uhr
Josef Bauer
Six / Petritsch
Hans Schabus
Sebastian Six
Rede: Günter Mayer MKH Wels
Die KünstlerInnen sind anwesend.
Ausstellung bis 9. September 2018
S.I.X. Wohnzimmergalerie
Litzlberger Straße 30a, 4863 Seewalchen
Mo. 14 – 19 Uhr, So. 10 – 13 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
sonic objections | Bildraum Bodensee/AT | 29.5. – 28.6.2018
In Kooperation mit das weisse haus zieht „sonic objections“ eine akustische und zugleich topografische Verbindung zwischen dem Osten und dem Westen Österreichs. Im Bildraum 01 in Wien und zum Auftakt der dualen Ausstellung werden in Form von Stille und Leere konzeptionelle Arbeiten gezeigt, welche anhand von Symbolen und Worten die Existenz von Klang in stummen Werken präsentieren. Die Ausstellung „sonic objections #2“ im Bildraum Bodensee verbindet unterschiedlichste Strömungen innerhalb der Soundart mit skulpturalen und de-konstruktiven Arbeiten, Apparaturen, Performances, Collagen und Referenzsystemen der Pop-Kultur.
Kurator/innen der Ausstellung:
Alexandra Grausam, das weisse haus und Karl Salzmann

Eröffnung #1
24. Mai 2018 um 19 Uhr | Bildraum 01 | 1010 Wien, Strauchgasse 2
Finissage & Artist Talk: Mi, 20.6., 18 Uhr | Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr 13–18 Uhr | 25. Mai – 22. Juni 2018
mit Karl Salzmann, Ulla Rauter
Eröffnung #2
29. Mai 2018 um 19 Uhr | Bildraum Bodensee | 6900 Bregenz, Seestraße 5, 2.Stock, Eingang im Posthof
Eröffnungsperformance um 20.30 Uhr „just happy“ von Bella Angora
Finissage & Artist Talk: Do, 28.6., 19 Uhr | Öffnungszeiten: Di, Do 13–18 | Fr, Sa 11–16 Uhr | 1. – 28. Juni 2018
mit Bella Angora, Angélica Castelló, Faxen, Bernhard Garnicnig, Ulrike Königshofer, Albert Mayr, Ulla Rauter, Strotter Inst., Benjamin Tomasi, Mario de Vega, Thomas Wagensommerer
Domus Artium – Guest Atelier Upper Austria | Paliano/IT | 01. – 31.05.2018
Guest Studio in Paliano at Rome
Since 1999, scholarship holders from Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Lower Austria and Burgenland have had the opportunity to travel to Paliano to realize projects there.
Three months a year it is available to Upper Austrian artists. The artist’s house is located about 60 km south-east of Rome (between the Albanerbergen and the town Anagni).
Already in the 19th century, the landscape in the Ciociaria was the scene of the Tyrolean landscape painter Josef Anton Koch, who had settled in the neighboring Olevano Romano, to capture the landscape of Latium in their special light and the distinctive colours.
The country house – an old, adapted building structure – is divided into two residential units, comprises two floors with several work and recreation rooms and two bedrooms, a communal kitchen and two bathrooms. The rooms are typical simple, but functionally furnished and furnished, an Internet connection is available. Up to two artists per housing unit are sent per month. The studio house is only available to the scholarship holders.
Heimliches Arbeiten beginnt.
audio visual installation and performance, 2018
mixed media, variable size
The installation Heimliches arbeiten beginnt. consists of a video and a ramp, it visualizes an absurd, automated and purpose-free work. The video shows a blue screen and a mouse cursor moving on it — all you can hear is clicking and scrolling the cursor. At the same time, a sheet metal car moves slowly up and down on the ramp, creating a loud squeal of wheels that mingles with the seemingly disoriented click. The title of the installation refers to the first stage of being a workaholic.
The installation was part of the same named solo exhibition Heimliches arbeiten beginnt. in Vienna. It consisted of three works: Green Screen Tree, break (orange) and Heimliches arbeiten beginnt. which are strongly interlocked with each other and create a strongly interconnected absurd world.
[su_accordion][su_spoiler title=“Deutsch“ open=“no“ style=“default“
icon=“line“ class=““]Die aus einem Video und einer Rampe bestehende
Installation „Heimliches Arbeiten beginnt“ visualisiert ein absurdes,
automatisiertes und zweckfreies Arbeiten. Das Video zeigt einen blauen
Screen und einen sich darauf bewegenden Mauscursor – zu hören ist dabei
nur das klicken und scrollen des Cursors. Zeitgleich bewegt sich auf der
Rampe langsam ein Blechwagen auf und ab, dabei entsteht ein lautes
quietschen der Räder welches sich mit dem scheinbar orientierungslosen
Klicken vermischt. Der Titel der Installation bezieht sich auf das erste
Stadium der Arbeitssucht.