
Eboran Galerie Salzburg
9.3. – 25.3.2022

Exhibition opening with sound performance 9.3.2022, at 7 p.m. 
Doris Prlić will speak about the exhibition.

In the multidisciplinary room installation „Langsamdreher“ transforms Sebastian Six the Eboran Gallery with the help of sound, sculpture and video into a seemingly absurd shopping world.
Rotating shelf walls, flickering screens, a dense sound atmosphere, and unique artistic pieces presented as merchandise on sale question our consumption- and production-driven society.

„Langsamdreher“ (slow moving consumer goods) are goods with a low product rotation, so that they represent an increased storage and sales risk and more frequent shelf gaps occur.

Exhibition until 25.3.2022
Galerie Eboran, Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 38, 2. Stock, Salzburg