Ausstellungseröffnung am Freitag, 20.Mai 2022 18:00 Uhr
Querschnitt der letzten 10 Jahre.
Ausstellung bis 30.6.2022
Eröffnung: Lucas Cuturi, Kunsthistoriker, freier Kurator

Mit Arbeiten von:
Josef Bauer, Katharina Müller, Josef Ramaseder, Nicole Six, Hans Schabus, Jahangir Amin, Manuela Picallo Gil, Daniel Leidenfrost, Pia Mühlbauer, Anja Tchepets, Gernot Fischer-Kontratovich,Silvia Sun, David Lipp, Rusi Klein, Lukas Halder, Roman Pfeffer, Franz Riedl, Thomas Gegner, Jörg Wascher, Petra Kodym, Georg Pinteritsch, Norbert Zuckerstätter, Christopf Holzeis, Ferdinand Götz, Emanuel Ehrartner, Roland Maurmair, Martin Bischof, Judy Mardnelly, Birgit Schweiger, Marianne Lang, Regula Dettwiler, Marco Prenninger, Angelika Offenhauser, Florian Nörl, Laurien Bachmann, Sebastian Six, Christian Flora, Hannes Rohringer, Julia Zöhrer, Sylvia Berndorfer, Leo Mayr, Birgit Bachmann, Gerhard Knogler, Christine und Alois Bauer, Marion Kilianowitsch, Donna E. Price, Gertrude Kiefer
Eboran Galerie Salzburg
9.3. – 25.3.2022
Exhibition opening with sound performance 9.3.2022, at 7 p.m.
Doris Prlić will speak about the exhibition.

In the multidisciplinary room installation „Langsamdreher“ transforms Sebastian Six the Eboran Gallery with the help of sound, sculpture and video into a seemingly absurd shopping world.
Rotating shelf walls, flickering screens, a dense sound atmosphere, and unique artistic pieces presented as merchandise on sale question our consumption- and production-driven society.
„Langsamdreher“ (slow moving consumer goods) are goods with a low product rotation, so that they represent an increased storage and sales risk and more frequent shelf gaps occur.
Exhibition until 25.3.2022
Galerie Eboran, Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 38, 2. Stock, Salzburg