New Piece on the Soundmaps Compilation from Sonospace

Work In Common | Primary, Nottingham/UK | 6. – 10.11.2017

Transposition | exhibition view | ©FAXEN

Angeli Bhose, Faxen, George Chinnery, Hyeji Woo, Juergen Kleft, Marwa Benhalim, Nicolas Vamvouklis, Sam Baker, Tom Verity, Vangjush Vellahu, Wingshan Smith.

The verb ‘to collaborate’ comes from the Latin collaboratus – to labour together, or to Work in Common. This short residency is aimed at artists with an interest in how we choose to work with others and across disciplines to produce art; and will encourage participants to discuss and experiment with different ways of working, to ask what it is to collaborate, and to test out new ideas together.

Work in Common, Public Event
Thursday 9 November, 8pm

Join the artists involved in the residency for a sharing of their work and dialogue around collaboration.

This micro residency programme has been organised in collaboration with UK Young Artists with support from BJCEM, Biennale des jeunes créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée.


ZeitEins Happening | Altenhof/AT | 5.9.2017

Zeit Eins Logo

Kunst auf Augenhöhe

Assista lädt am 28. September zu einem Happening der besonderen Art. Auf die BesucherInnen wartet ein bunter Mix aus bildender und darstellender Kunst mit Überraschungseffekt.

„ZeitEins“ heißt die Aktion mit den KünstlerInnen der Assista Kreativwerkstätten, dem Zeichner und Sounddesigner David Lipp, dem Multimedia-Artist Sebastian Six sowie dem Theaterkollektiv Iriden.
Für diesen Tag werden Teile von Assista in einen Ausstellungsraum verwandelt. Angelegt ist diese Veranstaltung als Happening. Eine Art der Aktionskunst, in der künstlerische, visuelle, theatralische und auditive Formen vermischt werden. Das Besondere dabei: Das Publikum spielt ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle und wird vom reinen Betrachter selbst zum Teil des Gesamtwerkes. So erklingt plötzliche Live-Musik aus dem Fahrstuhl oder beginnt eine spontane Theaterperformance im Stiegenhaus: Nach jeder Ecke könnte eine neue Überraschung lauern.

Gezeigt werden Werke von und mit den KünstlerInnen der Assista Kreativwerkstätten, David Lipp, sowie Installationen von Sebastian Six. Musikalisch begleitet wird das Happening von dem oberösterreichischen Singer-Songwriter Bernhard Eder, dem Geiger Florian Sighartner und Multitalent Florian Grossmann.

Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 19:00 Uhr, der Eintritt ist frei.

A Vocabulary of Noise | bb15, Linz/AT | 23. + 26.9.2017

A Vocabulary of Noise flyer

Jan Adriaans, Bryony Gillard, Monique Hendriksen, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, FAXEN

In the framework of a group residency at bb15, Jan Adriaans (NL), Bryony Gillard (UK), Monique Hendriksen (NL), Marie-Andrée Pellerin (CA) and FAXEN collective (AT) develop a multi-event project in Linz that approaches the notion of noise and randomness on a conceptual level. Communication is considered as an interplay of pattern and randomness, a deterministic network infiltrated with errors, scratches and hiccups. These unpredictabilities shape the pattern again, in a constant process of adaptation. Noise keeps us from predicting the future. There is no blueprint we can draw conclusions from.

Public Working Session
September 23rd, starting at 14:00

Final Event
September 26th, 19:30


New SIXBUS Track on IFAR Musique Concrète drop & recover compilation

I´m happy to announce that I (as sixbus) have a new track on the IFAR Musique Concrète drop & recover compilation. Its a sound compilation by the Netlabel Institute For Alien Reseach.

The track is called „Genova“ and it’s an acoustic trip through Genova

You can listen or buy to the hole compilation on bandcamp:

Datscha Radio 2017 | 25. – 29.8.2017

Datscha Radio 2017

I’m happy to announce that a track from my Album Feldsaiten is played at Datscha Radio 2017.

Datscha Radio 2017 / Plots & Prophecies / Parzellenprognosen / 25. – 29. August 2017

A five-day programme combining radio, gardening, hospitality and contemporary discourse in a live radio festival in a garden in the north of Berlin. Datscha Radio 17 uses radio as an artistic medium and as a source of inspiration and action. The process of radio making – otherwise quite a hidden event – becomes transparent in the winter garden of the house. Creative, interdisciplinary and open to everybody, Datscha Radio 17 transforms the privacy of the allotment garden intoa public space for art and communication. You are welcome to participate!

We broadcast from the 25th to the 29th of August 2017 !

With „Plots „and Prophecies“, Datscha Radio will take a look at the future of gardening, the links between biology and technology, and at the changing role of people in this world. Something has shifted in the old imbalance of flora and fauna … and we cannot be so sure that our present awareness will suffice to put these changes into a dialogue with the environment.

5 days = 5 themes

The Datscha radio garden assembles practitioners, gardeners and guests from various fields: music and performance, science and art, local and international.
Together we will trace and listen to the diverse voices, sounds, imprints and languages of the garden. We will broadcast in German and English, but there will be other languages to be heard as well.

  • Friday, August 25th: Hortus Politicus
  • Saturday, 26 August: New Symbioses
  • Sunday, August 27: Biotopes in Futur Perfect
  • Monday, August 28: Birds and Bees
  • Tuesday, August 29: Subterranean Meditations

Our Open Call invites international sound gardeners and radiophiles to participate by applying (with broadcasts / features / compositions) by the 5th of August.

Live broadcasting will start on Friday, the 25th of August at 12 noon. Our blog will be updated daily with information on the schedule, programme details, as well as the invited artists and guests.

We can be heard:

  •  Online at www.datscharadio.de
  •  over micro-FM in the surrounding of the garden
  • At selected times on the 88.4 Berlin and 90.7 in Potsdam

Open Call Artists 2017
Danke!!! Datscha Radio ist ausgesprochen glücklich über die Vielzahl und die Diversität der Einsendungen und freut sich folgende internationale KünsterInnen zu präsentieren:

  • Absolute Value of Noise/aka Peter Courtemanche (CAN)
  • Alexander Martinz  (GER)
  • Antonio D’Amato (F)
  • Ana Berkenhoff & Michael Holland (GER)
  • Bella (BRA)
  • Carina Pesch (GER)
  • Catherine Clover (AUS)
  • Claudia Wegener/radio continental drift (D)
  • Concours60radio (CAN)
  • Dafne della Dafne (UK, GER)
  • Demian Rudel Rey (AR)
  • Distant Animals (Daniel Alexander Hignell) UK
  • Dylan Matorell (AUS)
  • Elisabetta Senesi (AR)
  • Fernando Laub (Flaub) (USA)
  • Floriane Pochon, Phaune Radio (F)
  • Hagai Itzenberg (Israel)
  • Heather Kapplow (USA)
  • Hum& Hiss (Etherland, United States Minor Outlying Islands)
  • Joan Schuman (USA)
  • John Haway
  • Julia Drouhin (TAS)
  • Kala Pierson (USA)
  • Katarina Zimmerhakl (GER)
  • Kirsten Stolle (USA)
  • Lucía Chamorro (URY)
  • Mattia Bonafini (GER)
  • Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka & Flora Könemann (GER)
  • Miyuki Jokiranta (AUS)
  • Nat Grant (AUS)
  • Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro (GER)
  • Paolo Pastorino (I)
  • Renata Roman (BRA)
  • Ricardo Paraíso Silvestre
  • Rocío Cano Valiño (Argentina)
  • Rodrigo Gobbett/Bakim Hey (BRA)
  • Sebastian Six (AU)
  • Sebastiane Hegarty (UK)
  • The Stockholm Research Institute (S)
  • Vitalij Kuzkin (NL)

Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale | Tirana/AL | 4. – 9.5.2017

For the very first time, Albania will be the hosting country of the Biennale of young artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, a multidisciplinary event, promoted by BJCEM, that takes place once in two years in a different location in Europe, with young artists aged from 18 to 34 presenting their contemporary works and performances based on the general theme proposed by the Artistic Director.
The Ministry of Culture of Albania, in collaboration with BJCEM, will host 230 artists from Europe and the Mediterranean region. The public will have a different experience of contemporary art thanks to the interesting formula of Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale, the proposed theme and unusual exhibition spaces in Albania.
The Ministry of Culture of Albania, together with BJCEM’s Board approved the appointment of Driant Zeneli as the Artistic Director of Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale, with the responsibility for conceptualizing the theme of the Biennale and setting up the curatorial team, each of the curators curating one of the following six disciplines: applied arts, visual art, performance, literary creation, music and film.
Driant Zeneli is a renowned Albanian artist working between Milan and Tirana, who represented Albania at the 54th International Art Exhibition-Venice Biennale.

He has exhibited at: MuCEM, Marseille, (2016), Centre Pompidou, Paris, (2016); MSFAU Tophane-i Aime, Istanbul, (2016); Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milan (2015; 2010); GAM, Museum of Modern and Contemporaryart Turin (2013); ZKM, Karlsruhe (2012); MUSAC, Castiglia León. Spain, (2012); Prague Biennale 5, Prague (2011); National Gallery of Kosove, Prishtine (2010); Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genoa (2009); National Gallery of Tirana, (2008).

Driant Zeneli conceptualized the theme of Mediterranea 18, having considered the following:

  • The main aim of BJCEM association, which is the use of art as a tool to promote diversity and intercultural dialogue;
  • the growing complexities of political, social and economic structures in the world and finally Albania, the hosting country of the Biennale that is defined by its isolated and communist past.

The theme is History + Conflict + Dream + Failure = HOME, and much more than a simple equation, Zeneli’s curatorial concept describes why HOME is grounded on these four elements:

‘’… History, intending the archive of the unaccountable number of individual stories, recorded or forgotten. Conflict, to consider the way we share homes. Dream as the project of home, as the fundamental human right to be free to choose and desire our real or imaginary home. Failure as the inner resistance of the various attempts, transformed along the way in search for the dream home’’.

The Curatorial Team comes from various countries and backgrounds, and bring with them valuable experience for curating their respective discipline:

Curator of Applied Arts: Jonida Turani
Curator of Visual Art: Maja Ciric
Curator of Performance: Ema Andrea
Curator of Literary Creation: ALA Group / Maria Rosa Sossai
Curator of Music: Alban Nimani&Rubin Beqo / Tulla Center
Curator of Film: Eroll Bilibani

Multiple exhibition spaces
The 230 selected artists will exhibit in some unusual and though-provoking spaces around Tirana and Durrës. The exhibition spaces include former communist sights, museums, buildings, installations, etc. The selected artists will be hosted in Tirana and Durres from May 4 to 9, 2017. In those days they will have the opportunity to show their works and will perform in the spaces provided in the two cities. The exhibitions will be open to the public until May 28, 2017.


Volumes | Floating Sound Gallery, St. Petersburg/RU | 23.4.2017

VOLUMES Graphic | detail | ©Faxen

True Blue News | Salzamt Linz/AT | 5.4.2017

A performative talk-discussion-news-broadcast-concert party thing with Utopic tones. Coming to a screen near you via DORFTV and LIVE! at the Salzamt, 19:30, 5th April 2017 from Sam Bunn, Davide Bevilacqua, Sebastian Six and Dave Perlis (USA) and Robert Storey (UK), a 13 part ‘Choir of the Future’ and various Citizens of the World.

PUREED NOISE SOUP | Concerts I 7.3.2017

Atsushi Tadokoro (JP), Gabriela Gordillo (MX), Sebastian Six (AT), Renick Bell (US/JP), Yen Tzu Chang (TW)

Puréed Noise Soup is a hybrid sound event, that involves a series of concerts, a workshop and an interactive installation, that puts together artists with different views of sound, which sources are data sets, live-coding, analogue and digital sounds, or electronic circuits. Observing the variety of this sound performances as if they were different tastes of ingredients, we want to present it as a process to make a puréed soup: all artists will provide different materials, that in the end, will be a unique sonic food for the audience.

Observing the sound performance as a tasting experience, an on-site installation, allows the audience to taste the ingredients themselves, and make their own mixes through interaction, as a first encounter with the sounds of each performer.

March 7th, BB15, Linz
March 16th, Signal Zirkus, Vienna


New SIXBUS Track on IFAR Musique Concrète overview syncopations compilation

I´m happy to announce that I (as sixbus) have a new track on the IFAR Musique Concrète overview syncopations compilation. Its a sound compilation by the Netlabel Institute For Alien Reseach.

My track is called „front loading life“ and the second on the compilation!
The starting point for the track is an recording of my washing machine its one full recording without any cut in it. Combined with other fieldrecorings from mechanical noises and processed with different audio effects this little piece comes to life.

You can listen or buy to the hole compilation on bandcamp: