Unworking Works

since 2016, audio-performance, concert
microphone, piezo microphones, drilling machine, siren, walkie-talkies, harp, drum machine, self built instruments, guitar to midi, tambourine, mixer

Unworking Works | sound performance | ©sebastiansix
Unworking Works | sound performance | ©sebastiansix
Unworking Works | sound performance | ©sebastiansix

The Sound performance „Unworking Works“ is an experiment which try´s to connecting the sonic elements of the the exhibition „Interacting art“ and it´s space. Parts of the artworks become audio equipment which was used to develop an sound-performance with movement and strange grooves.
Spacial thanks to Sam Bunn for the intro singing!

Unworking Works | sound performance | ©sebastiansix

Interacting Art | Raumschiff, Linz/AT | 7. – 12.9.2016

interacting art flyer

A play on artworks, works in process and working things out by doing – together.  Through negotiation, juxtaposition, and re-contextualization, various works and non-works will be woven into an interface for the audience, built through interactive, textual and performative processes.

The project is based on a collective process initiated by Sam Bunn, Davide Bevilacqua and Sebastian Six and hosted by Raumschiff the week before the opening of Ars Electronica.

There’s no excuse for our lethargy: since we already possess the ideas, tools and techniques to initiate a change of course. The collaborative display here exhibited turns non-functional works into functional un-works, reaching towards how art might work between artworks. The project uses the medium of interaction in a way that allows the pieces to leave the traditional space of artistic discourse and to occupy instead the space of dialogue.

With Stella Baraklianou, Yen Tzu Chang & Yoh Morishita, Maria Czernohorszky, Isidora Ficovic, Laura Jade Hindes, Mary Maggic, Francesco Nordio, Patrick Schabus, Henning Schulze, Julio Sosa, Federico Tasso.
A project by Davide Bevilacqua, Sam Bunn, and Sebastian Six.

7th Sepember 8 pm + performances from Yen Tzu Chang & Yoh Morishita and Sebastian Six

Thu 9 September – Mon 12 September 2016, 11 AM – 7 PM

Radiophrenia | Glasgow | 29.8 – 12.9.2016

The Radio project Radiophrenia from Glasgow will Broadcast the FAXEN Piece “In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself,…“ !!

“In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself,…“ mixes quotations of deep sea explorer Jacques Piccard, with unexplained recordings from the deep sea and field recordings from the spa. In 1960 Piccard dived with his submarine “Trieste“ to the bottom of the Mariana Trench with a depth of 11,034m. Never attempted again he is still the only person who visited this extreme environment. His unique reports from the dive give an insight into a world without any light that requires to focus on the auditory perception.

It will be aired on Monday the 29th of August from 8:00 to 9:00  in the Program „Shorts 1“.

More on their webpage here:

Notes on tomorrow | Kristiansand/NOR | 26.8. – 8.10.2016

notes on tomorrow

The FAXEN work Double Layer is Present in the Creart Exhibition „Notes on tomorrow“ !!

The CreArt European Exhibition Notes on tomorrow” will be presented in Kristiansand (Norway) on friday, 26th August in the galleries of X-House and Town Hall.The show, curated by Luísa Santos has the collaboration of 21 projects from the Creart network. With occasion of the opening, some of the artists will be present and there will be organized also parallel activities.

PARTICIPANT ARTISTS: Carolina Grilo Santos (1993, Aveiro); Davor Sanvincenti (1979, Koper); Eva Pacalová (1989, Kutná Hora); FAXEN art collective (founded 2004, Linz); Georg Pinteritsch (1986, Villach); Jelena Bando (1988, Zagreb); Jorge Méndez a.k.a. Jorge Peligro (1979, Ponferrada); Kateřina Držková (1978, Pardubice); Kovács Kinga (1987, Harghita County); Marco Musarò (1989, Gagliano del Capo); Marija Marcelionytė-Paliukė (1977, Vilnius); Marija Šnipaitė (1988, Vilnius); Monika Žaltauskaitė-Grašienė (1975, Kaunas); Nita Mocanu (1977, Arad); Paolo Ferrante (1984, Galatina); Povilas Ramanauskas (1987, Kaunas); Ricardo González (1957, Burgos); Stefano Bucciero (1985, Brazil); Stine Bråthen (1983, Kristiansand); Tvrtko Buric (1982, Bjelovar); Zsuzsánna Fodor (1986, Harghita County)


If we think of contemporary art as a social system – an idea coined by Niklas Luhmann (1992) putting the arts in the realm of perception -, we locate art in what it does at its best: showing possible realities, through a critical observation, of the world we live in, at social, economical and political levels.

It is precisely in this idea that the history of the collective exhibition Notes on Tomorrow unfolds.  The characters (the works) of this story come together in a series of dichotomies. Firstly, the large in conflict with the small; on the other hand, the visual formalisation of the contrasts between History, fiction and memories; the relationship between the observer and the observed; contemplation and creation; networks of information, stories and seemingly random events; and, finally, the contradiction between known and unknown, translated by the desire to discover, to change to something beyond the horizon and, paradoxically, the need for familiar refuges.

These dichotomies are not about presenting definitive answers for contemporary society’s challenges but more about looking into a series of questions, observations and experimentations. In this way, these representations reflect the ambivalence of human relations. In other words, it is about visually translating small utopia’s at local levels through inventions, desires and propositions.

Notes on Tomorrow comes in a series of twenty-one voices from different European cities (Arad, Aveiro, Genoa, Harghita County, Kaunas, Kristiansand, Lecce, Pardubice, Valladolid, Vilnius, and Zagreb) to dwell on possible perceptions about current social issues and includes installations, drawings, texts, diagrams, videos, photographs and different kinds of situations.  – Luísa Santos


pictures of the exhibition:

Notes on tomorrow opening Kristiansand
double layer in kristiansand | ©Faxen

Brink Compilation Life/Death

I´m happy to announce that I (as sixbus) have two new one minutes tracks on the Brink Compilation Life/Death. BRINK is a sound compilation curated by ATTN:Magazine, containing 156 one-minute tracks titled “LIFE” and “DEATH”.

Its available as Wooden engraved USB stick. Comes with a unique BRINK painting and a “thank you” note. Go here to order your copy.

Or as Free download. Currently available as MP3 and WAV.

You can listen to the hole compilation on instagram:

More infos here:


All content rights reserved © Sebastian Six
No form of reproduction is authorised, unless written usage rights have been obtained and issued by Sebastian Six. Please contact for further information or publishing permissions.
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Info / CV


Sebastian Six is a multidisciplinary Artist. Acoustic experiments, sculptural assemblages, procedural interventions and the physical component of sound are the central elements of his musical and visual compositions. In his artistic works, small interventions often trigger processes whose outcome cannot always be certain. In addition, he focuses his acoustic and artistic performances on the different ways of creating sounds. This ranges from everyday objects to self-made instruments. In this way he creates filigree improvised music that oscillates between experiment, session and concept.
Since 2004, he works together with Clemens Mairhofer, Lucas Norer in the artist collective FAXEN furthermore he is co-founder of the artist-run-gallery bb15 in Linz.

Sebastian Six arbeitet als freischaffender, multidisziplinärer Künstler. Akustische Experimente, skulpturale Assemblagen und die prozesshafte Eingriffe sind die zentralen Elemente seiner musikalischen und visuellen Kompositionen. In seinen performances untersucht er die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, Sounds zu erzeugen, und setzt sich mit den verschiedenen Aspekten der Klangerzeugung auseinander. Seine künstlerischen Arbeiten sind oftmals durch kleine Eingriffe geprägt, die unvorhersehbare Prozesse auslösen.
Seit 2004 arbeitet er gemeinsam mit Clemens Mairhofer und Lucas Norer in der Künstlergruppe FAXEN zusammen. Darüber hinaus entwickelt Six kuratorische Projekte in den Bereichen Kunst, Elektronische Musik und ist Mitbegründer des Off-Space bb15 in Linz.


1980 Born in Vöcklabruck
1995 – 1998 HTBLA for luthier in Hallstatt /AT
2004 – 2011 Academic studies: Experimental Visual Design at The University of Art and Design Linz/AT
2011 Master’s degree: Master of fine art at The University of Art and Design Linz/AT
Since 2004 collaborating with Clemens Mairhofer and Lucas Norer as art collective FAXEN (http://faxen-
Since 2008 founder of the record label lauthals (
Since 2009 co-founder and organizer of the artist-run-gallery bb15 in Linz (
WS 2021 Lecture „Space is the Place“, Site-specific Art, Die Angewandte Wien
Since 2022 co-founder and organizer of VILLA NORTH Raum für Kunst, Kultur und interdisziplinäre Forschung , Residency Place (


Joyful Aspects – Studio Gross, Tokyo, JP
The Ears Have Walls, Belvedere 21 Museum in Vienna
FAXEN – Overhear, der Hörspielabend
Schlossgalerie Schärding, 100 JAHRE 100 WERKE
Kino Otok Filmfestival, Isola (SLO)
Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2023 | Local Artists Shorts | Kino Central
Im Auge der Infodemie | splace am Hauptplatz, Kunstuniversität Linz
Neu in der Maerz | Galerie MAERZ | Dezember 2022
Les Instants Vidéo | Exhibitions Friche la Belle de Mai | 10.11.22 – 22.1.23
Aufwärts fallen | ooe kunstverein, Linz (FAXEN)
ELEMENTAREREIGNISSE |Public Space, Vienna (bb15)
10 Jahre Wohnzimmergalerie
Langsamdreher | Eboran Galerie, Salzburg (Solo)
– Radiophrenia 2022
Die Veränderung ereignete sich mit der Heftigkeit des Übergangs vom Tag zur Nacht | QuadrART Dornbirn
Oodaaq Festival 2021
– ibrida Filmfestival, Ibrida (IT)
hungry eyes festival 2021
– Festival del Cinema Die Cefalu (IT)
Festival Trailer Sound Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2021
THAT´S NEW – AND NEEDED! | Kunstsammlung OÖ | 8.10. – 19.11.2020
forum presents | Sebastian Six – Unsought goods | Splace, Linz/AT | 2.10. – 8.10.2020
Im Trüben Fischen | Deutschvilla Strobl/AT | 11.09 – 4.10.2020
– 2 Sides Short Filmfestival, Izmir (TUR)
– The Ensenada International Film Festival (ARG)
Besides the Screen Festival | August 2020
– Crossing Europe Filmfestival, Local Artists Shorts, OÖ Kulturquartier (AT)
– Diagonale ’20 – die unvollendete, Graz (AT)
– Cinema Next – Young Austrian Cinema, Kino VOD Club
Oscillation — Mayday Radio Marathon | 30.4. – 2.5.2020
Wunderkammer Oberösterreich El Dorado (ob der Enns) | OK, Linz/AT | 14.12. 2019 – 28.3. 2020
– K3 Film festival | Villach/AT | 11. – 15.12.2019
Continental Drift | Salzamt, Linz/AT | 9.10. – 25.10.2019
Whispering Dialogues | galerie5020, Salzburg/AT | 12.7. – 28.9.2019
A Recollection of Resonances | bb15’s 10-Years Anniversary Exhibition | bb15, Linz/AT | 7. – 14.12.2018 (Group FAXEN)
Bregenz Biennale 2018 | Brezenz/AT | Summer 2018
Sommerfrische reloaded 2018 | Wohnzimmergalerie, Seewalchen/AT | 14.7. – 9.9.2018
sonic objections | Bildraum Bodensee/AT | 29.5. – 28.6.2018
In The Works | Salzamt, Linz/AT | 18.4 – 4.5.2018
Heimliches Arbeiten beginnt | Schaustelle, Vienna/AT | 22. – 31.3.2018 (Solo)
minus 20 degree | Flachau/AT | 8. – 10.2.2018
A Vocabulary of Noise | bb15, Linz/AT | 23. + 26.9.2017
Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale | Tirana/AL | 4. – 9.5.2017
Floating Sound Gallery | Moscow/RU | 23.4.2017
True Blue News | Salzamt Linz/AT | 5.4.2017
Rythm and Decay | Kunsthalle Linz/AT | 22.11. – 22.12.2016 (Solo)
Notes on tomorrow | Kristiansand/NOR | 26.9. – 7.11.2016
subnet2015 Presentation | Schmiede, Hallein/AT | 21.9.2016
Notes on tomorrow | Kaunas/LT | 7.6. – 15.9.2016
H:UMMMM | Hummelhofbad, Linz/AT | 9.4.2016
MENU Festival | Hradec Králové/CZ | 31.3. – 2.4.2016
Listening Post | Lentos, Linz/AT | 23.10.2015 – 21.2.2016
– ON AIR | Science Friction, Copenhagen/DK | 30.10. – 1.11.2015 (FAXEN Solo)
Deformation der Stille | galerie5020, Salzburg/AT | 11.12.2014 – 14.2.2015
– The Memory in your Pocket | Villa Groce, Genoa/IT | 17. – 21.3.2014
Transposition.Change | NÖDOK, St. Pölten/AT | 21.3. – 27.4.2014
– Studio (take2) | Steim, Amsterdam/NL | 7. – 8.11.2014
(h)ear XL Festival | Signe/NL | 26.9. – 9.11.2014
– FINE SOUND – keine medienkunst | Das Weisse Haus, Vienna/AT | 20.2. – 30.3.2013
– Klangmanifeste 2013 | Echoraum, Vienna/AT | 4.12 – 13.12.2013
– Let’s Overhear | Donaupark, Linz/AT | 22.7 – 4.8.2013
Testing the Equipment | AFG, Vienna/AT | 2.7.2013 (FAXEN Solo)
– III Moscow International Biennale for Young Art | Moscow/RU | 10.7. – 19.8.2012
Alle Worte sind aus! | Kunstraum Goethestrasse xtd, Linz AT | 17.10. – 14.12.2012
– Repeat please,… | SKÁLAR Centre for Sound Art and Experimental Music, Iceland/IS | 4. – 14.10.2012
– Kunst.Messe.Linz | Landesgalerie, Linz/AT | 10. – 11.11.2012
– Use Your Illusion | bb15, Linz/AT | 13. – 23.11.2012
Keep An Ear On | EX3, Firenze/IT | 20. – 22.5.2011
– Resonate In Response To | Prima Kunst Container, Kiel/DE | 9.7. – 4.9.2011  (FAXEN Solo)
– Resonate In Response To | Interventionsraum, Stuttgart/DE | 24. – 27.2.2011 (FAXEN Solo)
– Double Layer | Projekt_Love | Vienna/AT | 18.11 – 09.12 2011 (FAXEN Solo)
– DDD – Die Dritte Dimension | whiteBOX, Munich/DE | 17.2. – 13.3.2011
Schools of Art Vol. II | HfBK, Dresden/DE | 20.5. – 19.6.2011
– Hörstadt Krypthophone Festival | Linz/AT | 14.11. – 6.11.2011
– Parallelwelten Jung und Alt | Kunstsammlung OÖ, Linz/AT | 7.4. – 7.5.2011
Resonate In Response To | bb15, Linz/AT | 18. – 22.10.2011
– Manifesta8, Eventos Paralelos | Sala de exposiciones Muralla Bizantina, Cartagena/ES | 12.11.2010 – 6.1.2011
TABAKFABRIK LINZ – Kunst, Architektur, Arbeitswelt | Nordico, Linz/AT | 24.9.2010 – 23.1.2011
– Flimmern & Krachen | Projekt_Love, Vienna/AT | 9. – 23.4.2010
– Reclaiming Space ATW | Tabakfabrik, Linz/AT | 2.9. – 11.9.2010
– BEST OF 2010 | Tabakfabrik, Linz/AT | 5. – 14.11.2010
Sound Characters | Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck/AT | 23.1. – 7.3.2009
– Normalzustand – Festival der Regionen | Auwiesen, Linz/AT | 9.5. – 1.6.2009

Concerts and Performances

Klangperformance bei der Eröffnung des Land Art Projekt „Sichttiefe“
Die Bühne wächst – Live at „alte schmiede wien“
Die Bühne wächst Live-Hörspiel mit Mathias Müller, MAERZ, Linz AT
– Radical Sound-Walk | Rundgang 2023 | Kunstuni Linz | 30.7.2023
– Oh Condor | Villa North | 2.11.2022
Langsamdreher | Opening |Eboran Galerie, Salzburg (Solo)
– Oh Condor | sense of motion | eboran Galerie, Salzburg/AT | 22.7.2020
– canceled but not canceled | Tresor, Linz/AT | 31.3.2020
Salon im Park | Vienna/AT | 15.6.2019

with Fred Frith & Gis Orchestra | Wels/AT | 19.2.2018
Zentrale.Jetzt | Vienna/AT | 3.2.2018

ZeitEins, Happening | Altenhof/AT | 5.9.2017
Purred Noise Soup | Signal Zirkus, Vienna/AT | 16.3.2017
Purred Noise Soup | bb15, Linz/AT | 7.3.2017
sixbus at Offcity – Clear To Land | Pardubice/CZ | 17.12.2016
Sushi Sounds | gruentaler9, Berlin/DE | 30.9.2016
Interacting Art | Raumschiff, Linz/AT | 7.9.2016
sixbus at MENU Festival | Hradec Králové/CZ | 31.3.2016
– Art University Linz/AT |
Double Layer (live) at F6/Stanice Pardubice | Pardubice/CZ | 13.6.2014
– with MMMK | Perspektiven, Attersee/AT | 5.6.2014
with Julian Day | Opening Julian Day, bb15, Linz/AT | 28.10.2014
– Untitled | das weisse haus, Wien/AT | 17.3.2013
– with Couscous | Mehrkanal, Linz/AT | 6.5.2013
– with Couscous | OKH, Vöcklabruck/AT | 13.4.2013
– Double Layer (live) | Rotate Festival, Innsbruck/AT | 28.7.2012
– Double Layer (live) | Interventionsraum, Stuttgart/DE | 24.2.2011
mehr kanal #5 |University, Linz/AT | 6.6.2011
– May He Hetal? live @ Etappe 1.4 | Nomadenetappe Linz/AT | 7.4.2010
– Ars Electronica, Soft Bodies | Tabakfabrik, Linz/AT | 03.9.2010
 | DogzStar, Istanbul/TR | 2.4.2010
– May He Hetal? | Club Moozak #37 | Fluc, Wien/AT | 28.7.2010
– autark labelnight |qujOchOE@quitch Linz/AT | 14.02.2009
– autark labelnight | Rhiz, Vienna/AT | 15.2.2009
– autark labelnight | Fluc, Vienna/AT | 19.2.2009
Sound Characters | Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck/AT | 6.3.2009
– Appetite for Destruction | Rother Krebs, Linz/AT | 10.4.2009
– qujOchÖ im exil | Zentralcafe K4, Nürnberg/DE | 30.10.2009
– May He Hetal? | Parque del Sole Festival, St. Pölten/AT | 31.8.2009
– q_trigger | quitch, Linz/AT | 18.6.2008
– May He Hetal? | p.m.k, Innsbruck/AT | 22.11.2008

Scholarships, Awards and Residencies

– Auslandsatelier BMKÖS Free Away Griechenland April – Juli
Auslandsatelier BMKÖS Tokio Juli – Sept
–  Ankauf Kunstsammlung Art Collection Land OÖ
– Gastatelier Maltator | Gmünd/AT | Juli – August 2020– LINZ AG KünstlerInnenatelier | Linz/AT | 2020 – 2022
– Guest Atelier Egon-Schiele-Zentrum | Ceský Krumlov/CZ | November 2019
Valley of the Possible | Curacautin/CL | 26.4. – 29.4.2019
– Grant, LinzEXPOrt 2018
Residence in Agder Kunstsenter | Kristiansand/NO | 02. – 26.08.2018
Domus Artium – Guest Atelier Upper Austria | Paliano, Rome/IT | 01. – 31.05. 2018
– Studio fellowship at Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz/AT
Work In Common, Micro Residency | Primary, Nottingham (UK) | 6. – 10.11.2017
– BJCEM Stipend, Bundeskanzleramt, AT
– Subnet AIR Stipend, Subnet Plattform für Medienkunst und experimentelle Technologien, Salzburg
– Grant, LinzEXPOrt 2015
– The Future Fund of the Republic of Austria – Artist in Residency Genua (IT), Network of Cities for Artistic Creation
– Grant, LinzEXPOrt 2014
– Art Price Vereins Freunde des Lentos, Lentos, Linz (AT)
– Grant, LinzEXPOrt 2013
– Annual grant for graduate students, The University of Art and Design Linz (AT)
– 2nd Prize Kunstsammlung Art Collection, Linz (AT)
– Grant, Linz Impuls, Linz (AT) 2010
– Excellence Scholarship, The University of Art and Design Linz (AT)
– Studio fellowship at Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz (AT)
– Grant Linz Export, Linz (AT)

Publications and Discography

– Various Artists – The Bat Effect | File, Compilation | Total Silence
– Various Artists – Dunkelkammer Sessions Tape/File | Wirtshaus Secrets
– Various Artists -1 minute autohypnosis #45 | Compilation | Mute Sound
Field Notes – PE CL NO IT | File, Album | Sonospace
sixbus – austastlücke | Tape/File Album | Lauthals
Various Artists – Soundmaps For the Dreamer Volume II | File, Comp. | Sonospace
Various Artists –  drop & recover | File, Comp. | IFAR Musique Concrète
– Aus Tirana Austria | Catalogue | Sonderzahl 2017 | ISBN 978 3 85449 478 2
Various Artists – overview syncopations | File, Compilation | IFAR Musique Concrète
Various Artists – Brink Compilation Life/Death | File, Comp. | Brink
– bb15 exhibitions 2012 / 2014 | Catalogue
six bus – Feldsaiten | File, Album | Lauthals
– Astebianix – Apocajam | Lauthals
– Repeate, Please… | edition of 400 pcs. | Catalogue
– Alle worte sind aus | Catalogue
– Kracherl – Kopfresektion | File, EP | Lauthals
– bb15 exhibitions 2009 / 2011 | Catalogue
– manifesta 8, Eventos paralelos | Catalogue
– DDD Die Dritte Dimension | Catalogue
sixbus – I-L | File, EP | Lauthals
– Various Artists – Playground | CD | autark Netlabel
– Astebianix – The lost denk-mal tapes | File, Album | Lauthals
– Various Artists – 10 | File, Comp. | autark Netlabel, aa10
– Wir müssen weiter denken als unsere Pistolen schießen | Ed. Andrea van der Straeten
– May He Hetal? – Realoase | File, Album | Autark Netlabel

In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself…

as part of FAXEN
Site-specific sound installation, 2016
2-channel audio, 10m18s (loop), horn speaker, adhesive lettering
Dimensions variable

In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself,… | exhibition detail | Photo: Gregor Graf | ©Faxen
In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself,… | exhibition view 2 | Photo: Gregor Graf | ©Faxen
In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself,… | exhibition view | Photo: Gregor Graf | ©Faxen

A site-specific sound installation for a public spa in Linz. “In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself…” combines quotations by deep sea explorer Jacques Piccard with unexplained recordings from the deep sea and field recordings from the spa. In 1960 Piccard dived to the bottom of the 10,916m-deep Mariana Trench with his submarine “Trieste”. His unique reports from the dive give us insight into a world without any light that requires us to focus on auditory perception. Reports from the dive serve as a framework for a multi-channel installation that mixes maritime underwater soundscapes and field recordings from the spa itself. A quote by Jacques Piccard was displayed next to the swimming pool with adhesive lettering.
[su_spoiler title=“Deutsch“ open=“no“ style=“default“ icon=“plus“ anchor=““ class=““]„In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself,…“ stellt der tiefen-entspannenden Kontemplation in esoterisch angehauchter Wellnessbadatmosphäre die dunkle und unerforschte Welt der Tiefsee entgegen.Die Klanginstallation gibt Einblick in die akustische Welt der Ozeane deren Erforschung erst über klangliche Methoden, wie Echolotung bzw. Sonar ermöglicht wurde. Die Klanginstallation vermischt Zitate des Tiefseeforschers Jacques Piccards, mit ungeklärten Aufnahmen aus der Tiefsee bzw. Field-Recordings aus dem Hummelhofbad. Mit seinem Unterseeboot Trieste tauchte Piccard 1960 auf den Grund des Marianengrabens in 11.034 Meter Tiefe und ist seither der einzige Mensch der den tiefsten Punkt der Erde besuchte. Seine Berichte aus einer extremen Umgebung in absoluter Dunkelheit, geben Einblicke in eine Welt die einen Fokus auf die auditive Wahrnehmung erfordert. Dieses narrative Element dient als Gerüst für eine Mehrkanalinstallation und vermischt sich mit maritimen Unterwasseraufnahmen sowie Klängen aus den „Maschinenräumen“ des Hummelhofbades.[/su_spoiler]


Notes on tomorrow | Kaunas/LT | 7.6. – 15.9 2016

notes on tomorrow

The FAXEN work Double Layer is Present in the Creart Exhibition „Notes on tomorrow“ in Kaunas (Lithuania)

The Lithuanian city of Kaunas will present on 17 June the CreArt European Exhibition “Notes on tomorrow” in Mapu 20 and Meno Forma galleries. The show, curated by Luísa Santos has the collaboration of 21 projects from the Creart network. With occasion of the opening, some of the artists will be present and there will be organized also parallel activities.

PARTICIPANT ARTISTS: Carolina Grilo Santos (1993, Aveiro); Davor Sanvincenti (1979, Koper); Eva Pacalová (1989, Kutná Hora); FAXEN art collective (founded 2004, Linz); Georg Pinteritsch (1986, Villach); Jelena Bando (1988, Zagreb); Jorge Méndez a.k.a. Jorge Peligro (1979, Ponferrada); Kateřina Držková (1978, Pardubice); Kovács Kinga (1987, Harghita County); Marco Musarò (1989, Gagliano del Capo); Marija Marcelionytė-Paliukė (1977, Vilnius); Marija Šnipaitė (1988, Vilnius); Monika Žaltauskaitė-Grašienė (1975, Kaunas); Nita Mocanu (1977, Arad); Paolo Ferrante (1984, Galatina); Povilas Ramanauskas (1987, Kaunas); Ricardo González (1957, Burgos); Stefano Bucciero (1985, Brazil); Stine Bråthen (1983, Kristiansand); Tvrtko Buric (1982, Bjelovar); Zsuzsánna Fodor (1986, Harghita County)


If we think of contemporary art as a social system – an idea coined by Niklas Luhmann (1992) putting the arts in the realm of perception -, we locate art in what it does at its best: showing possible realities, through a critical observation, of the world we live in, at social, economical and political levels.

It is precisely in this idea that the history of the collective exhibition Notes on Tomorrow unfolds.  The characters (the works) of this story come together in a series of dichotomies. Firstly, the large in conflict with the small; on the other hand, the visual formalisation of the contrasts between History, fiction and memories; the relationship between the observer and the observed; contemplation and creation; networks of information, stories and seemingly random events; and, finally, the contradiction between known and unknown, translated by the desire to discover, to change to something beyond the horizon and, paradoxically, the need for familiar refuges.

These dichotomies are not about presenting definitive answers for contemporary society’s challenges but more about looking into a series of questions, observations and experimentations. In this way, these representations reflect the ambivalence of human relations. In other words, it is about visually translating small utopia’s at local levels through inventions, desires and propositions.

Notes on Tomorrow comes in a series of twenty-one voices from different European cities (Arad, Aveiro, Genoa, Harghita County, Kaunas, Kristiansand, Lecce, Pardubice, Valladolid, Vilnius, and Zagreb) to dwell on possible perceptions about current social issues and includes installations, drawings, texts, diagrams, videos, photographs and different kinds of situations.  – Luísa Santos


[H:UMMMM] | Hummelhofbad, Linz/AT | 9.4.2016

Sat, April 9th 2016, 15:00 – 22:00
Wellnessoase Hummelhof, Ramsauerstraße 12, Linz

[H:UMMMM] examines, elaborates and processes the functionality of sounds in modern spa/wellness zones in manifold ways. Interrelations between sound and social, medical, architectonic and artistic contexts will be investigated, discussed and analysed. These contexts will be examined in relation to sound studies and Michel Foucault’s concept of Human Geography.

[H:UMMMM] explores the ties and liaisons of artistic and academic approaches in a site-specific spa-centre heterotopia in Linz, Austria. This will take place on April 9th, 2016. By exchanging all audio sources of the bath, experiencing performances, installations and lectures the spa area of the wellness oasis Hummelhof is converted into an auditory spa/wellness heterotopia of a different kind.

The program:

Lectures by:
Karin Harrasser (AUT), Thomas Macho (AUT), David Toop (UK)

Concerts by:
Fennesz (AUT)
Abby Lee Tee (AUT)

Installations by:
Richard Eigner (AUT): Denoising
Faxen (AUT): In this momentary awareness I tried to tell myself …
Sun Obwegeser (AUT): IGLOOP – just fading out
Ingo Randolf (AUT): Muzak Architectures
Julia Tazreiter (AUT): Kabel im Regen
Clemens Bauder, Andreas Reichl, Andre Zogholy (AUT): without boats, dreams dry up
Clemens Bauder, Davide Bevilacqua, Andre Zogholy (AUT/IT): Atlas of Waves
Clemens Bauder, Andreas Reichl, Andre Zogholy (AUT): I am swimming in a pool

Audio feeds by:
Abby Lee Tee (AUT), Oren Ambarchi (AUS), Sam Auinger (AUT), Clemens Bauder & Ilpo Väisänen (AUT/FIN), Jeff Bridges (USA), Tanja Brüggemann-Stepien (AUT), Anthony Child (UK), deepseafishK (JUUN, Katharina Klement, Manon Liu Winter) (AUT), Richard Eigner (AUT), Christian Fennesz (AUT), Wolfgang Fuchs (AUT), Andreas Kurz (DE), Lena Leblhuber (AUT), Mimu Merz (AUT), Christina Nemec (AUT), Sarah Lipstate (USA), Julien Ottavi (FR), Billy Roisz (AUT), David Toop (UK), We Will Fail (PL)

[H:UMMMM] is a project by qujOchÖ, curated and organized by Clemens Bauder, Andreas Reichl and Andre Zogholy with a big help from a lot of friends.